H-M Happenings (August 26, 2022)
Diversity Through a Catholic Lens
Dean of Students Aaron Benner was the guest speaker for Catechetical Day 2022 at Lourdes High School in Rochester, MN on August 17th, 2022. Catechetical Day is an annual event to honor and invest in all who serve Catholic schools and faith formation programs across the Diocese of Winona-Rochester.
At this year’s event, Mass was presided by Bishop Barron, who was installed as the ninth bishop of the Diocese of Winona-Rochester in July 2022. Aaron spoke to 400 Catholic school educators on how to be an effective teacher and how to engage all students. Aaron has been asked to speak at several schools regarding his experience as an educator of color at public, charter and Catholic schools. Most recently, he has been invited to Saint John Paul II National Shrine in Washington D.C. this coming October to help facilitate conversation among the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops. Aaron enjoys developing strategies to help administrators and teachers improve their schools.
Faculty Summer Development
Kirsten and Michele attended a 5-day Kagan Workshop in June. They learned the rationale behind it, and a plethora of new strategies to implement in their courses this coming school year. They are very excited to share their new-found knowledge with their students and colleagues!
Picture Day
NOTE: Copy and paste the code below into the picture day ID column on the right hand side of the homepage: EVTGGXGNZ
School Picture Retakes
Retake Day – Tuesday, September 20th
8:00am – 1:00pm
Varsity Gym
If you missed picture day on Business Day or Orientation, please have your photo taken. If you wish to have retake pictures taken, please bring in your old photos with you.
Senior Panoramic
Monday, September 26 @ 7:55 AM
Varsity Gym
Seniors may be in spirit wear for the photo!
Important Senior Meetings
Class of 2023 Seniors and Parents, our college counselors are here to help! Looking forward to seeing you on one of the dates listed below for an important meeting for seniors and their parents related to the college application timeline and process. This meeting is required for all seniors and their parents even if your plans for after graduation are unclear. Please try to arrive 15 minutes early to receive your materials.
These meetings are:
Sunday August 28, 5:00PM, Auditorium
Wednesday August 31, 7:00PM, Auditorium (first day of school)
Plan to attend ONLY ONE of these meetings! Fall athletes be sure to check your practice schedules and choose the most appropriate meeting.
Fall Musical Auditions for ALL Middle & High School Students
Mother’s Club Back-to-School Coffee
Save the date to join the Mother’s Club for coffee at Mac’s Diner in North St. Paul (just 5 minutes away from Hill-Murray) on Friday, September 9th from 8-9am. This will not be a formal meeting, but an opportunity to stop by, meet other H-M moms and kick off your Friday morning with a coffee drink on the Mother’s Club. We hope you can join us! Follow @hmmothersclub on Instagram for more information about upcoming events.
Back to School Information
Check out our Back to School page on our website for all sorts of information related to the return of another school year.
Also, don’t forget about Back to School Night on September 7th. We will see students next week and hopefully all of you on the 7th.
Monday, October 17, 2022, 6:00PM
Spread the news about our Fall Open House! If you have friends, neighbors, teammates, siblings, other children or fellow parishioners that you think would be a good fit for the Hill-Murray community, please forward them this email and have them RSVP. They’ll get a chance to meet and learn from H-M teachers, coaches and leaders of school clubs.
They can also visit our Admissions page on our website to learn more.
School Trips 2023
CLICK HERE for information on the Belize Adventure for 10th and 11th grade students in the spring of 2023.
CLICK HERE for information on the Peru trip in the summer of 2023.