Global Online Academy

Hill-Murray is pleased to offer additional courses through a partnership with the Global Online Academy (GOA).

Hill-Murray is the only independent, Catholic school in Minnesota partnering with GOA. GOA’s mission is “to empower students, teachers and leaders to reimagine learning to thrive in a globally networked society.”

Taking additional courses through GOA allows students to dive deeper into specific areas of interest or learn about a topic they have not been exposed to before. GOA provides students the opportunity to work virtually alongside teachers and peers around the world.

Who can take a GOA course?

GOA semester and yearlong courses are designed for high school students and are open to students from our member schools. Semester 1, Semester 2, and Yearlong courses are available only to students from GOA Student Program member schools.

What GOA courses are available to Hill-Murray students?

Please review the GOA Course Catalog for a listing of all the GOA courses available to Hill-Murray students.

How do GOA courses compare with courses at my school?

GOA courses are primarily asynchronous, meaning that students do not need to attend pre-determined class meetings times. Instead, teachers design and publish coursework and calendars, and students can, within that framework, work on their own schedules. All student work is submitted and assessed in our Learning Management System. In addition, students communicate frequently with teachers and peers via tools like email, chat, and video call. Students can expect to connect synchronously with teachers and classmates via video on a weekly or biweekly basis.

How many students are in each class?

Sections of our courses are limited to 20 students.

Is there a cost to students who take a GOA course?

GOA courses do carry an enrollment fee. It is up to the member school whether that fee is covered by the school or the student. Summer courses, which are open to all students, carry an enrollment fee for both member and non-member school students.

What level of commitment is required to succeed in a GOA course?

GOA courses are designed to be as challenging and as interactive as courses at Hill-Murray. In a typical week, students commit five to seven hours to a GOA course and log in five to seven times to interact with their teacher and peers. Teachers publish a calendar and coursework, ensuring that there are multiple touchpoints for students to show their learning and connect with others. Learn more about the GOA experience.

When is the application deadline?

Guaranteed Enrollment is March 31 – April 30. If you’re interested, contact Shawn Reid at

More FAQ's about GOA courses

Interested in taking classes through GOA?

Contact College Counselor, Shawn Reid.