Find Your Calling: Luke Hause finds friendships that will last a lifetime through extracurriculars
At Hill-Murray, we strive to help our students find their calling, whatever it may be. From daily classes, athletics, clubs, and programs to other student-led initiatives, our students are discovering their paths each day. Through our new campaign called Find Your Calling, we get to know our Pioneers and discover what inspires them.
Luke Hause, Grade 12
What subjects are you most interested in?
Anatomy and Math
Does Hill-Murray help you explore those interests?
Yes. They help me explore these interests by providing the right classes and capable teachers to help me progress towards my goals. The way they challenge students in every class to expand their minds is very enjoyable and allows students to find new solutions to a multitude of problems.
Are you involved in any athletics or extracurricular activities? What do you enjoy about these opportunities?
Hockey – I really enjoy the sport and it’s something that helps me relax and take a step back from the stress of the world. The friendships and memories made will last for a lifetime as the team focuses on being a true family rather than just a team. NHS – National Honor Society is a great way to help communities around Hill Murray and a great place to share ideas with people who are just as passionate about the tasks at hand. Care Club – Care Club is a fantastic way to help out our peers within the school while also creating a stronger community around us. Care is a very inclusive club that strives to make everyone within the school feel loved and respected which creates a more positive environment within the school. LINK – LINK is a very fun club that is devoted to helping freshmen become more comfortable with their first year of high school. Knowing I once was a nervous freshman myself, I felt like it would be a great opportunity to help other kids feel more comfortable with themselves and enjoy their freshman year as much as they can.
Finally, what does finding your calling mean to you?
Finding my calling means following my dreams and aspiring to be the best human I can be in all aspects of my life. In order to do this, I try to focus on only the things that I can control such as attitude and effort. With high school coming to a close, I feel like I am trying to focus on things that I cannot control due to increased stress. Although, since Hill-Murray provides a chance for me to strengthen my faith, it has allowed me to become more focused on finding my calling and let God control the rest. Mass and adoration being provided constantly gives me every chance I need to talk with God without forcing it on me. Without Hill-Murray, I would not be as devoted to God or finding my calling.