Find Your Calling: Freshman Eveny McNulty is driven to positively impact her community
At Hill-Murray, we strive to help our students find their calling, whatever it may be. From daily classes, athletics, clubs, and programs to other student-led initiatives, our students are discovering their paths each day. Through our new campaign called Find Your Calling, we get to know our Pioneers and discover what inspires them.
Eveny McNulty, Grade 9
What subjects are you most interested in?
Although I enjoy learning about most topics, I especially like studying history, theology, mathematics, and languages.
Does Hill-Murray help you explore those interests?
Absolutely! This is only my first year at Hill-Murray, and already I have found so many opportunities to pursue and develop my talents. All of my classes are instructive and engaging. All the faculty and staff are enthusiastic and encouraging. I have discovered many new interests because of the abundant extracurricular options available.
Are you involved in any athletics or extracurricular activities? What do you enjoy about these opportunities?
One of my goals is to use my talents to help other people, and I try to do this through all of my extracurricular activities. I enjoyed being part of a team in swimming and theatre and improving my abilities while helping others. In robotics, I loved inspiring other people to be involved in STEM. We also used our specific skills to perform outreach and awareness projects. In CARE, I hope to directly impact my community by speaking up and taking action about causes that are important to me. In choir and piano, I use my gifts to make music for other people, which I love to do at church. In Ambassador Club, I love talking to prospective families about why I love Hill-Murray: the community supports you in whatever you are passionate about. However, my favorite way to give back to my school is through peer tutoring. I will never get tired of using my capability in a particular subject to help other students. I especially love to see how each person I work with is adept in different areas.
Finally, what does finding your calling mean to you?
Finding your calling means using your gifts to impact your community positively. Everyone has the ability to make a difference, and I encourage you to utilize the incredible resources available at Hill-Murray to discover what your interests are and use them to create a better world. I was always curious about many different topics, but Hill-Murray truly allowed me to find and explore these passions and encourage others to do the same.