-As we continue our Lenten journey we bring to mind Psalm 25 that says, “Make me to know your ways, O LORD; teach me your paths.”  Loving God, during this season of Lent help us to be open to following your path, open to learning more about your great love for us and for the compassion that you call us to show each other.  Amen. 
-Happy Middle School Week! 

We invite you to come and support our Middle School Theatre Students and their production of Puffs this Friday and Saturday here at 7pm both nights. For seven years a certain boy wizard went to a certain Wizard School and conquered evil. This, however, is not his story. This is the story of the Puffs… who just happened to be there too. A tale for anyone who has never been destined to save the world. Tickets are $5 or free if you are a Hill-Murray Student when you bring your ID. Reserve your tickets online or buy at the door. We hope to see you there! 

-On Tuesday, March 5th, 7:00 PM -8:30 PM, in the HM Teachers Lounge, there will be an informational meeting to learn about the Hill Murray Fishing Team.The Fishing Team provides a fun way to learn more about fishing and will help you to catch more fish.  There are opportunities to ice fish with the team in the winter months and there are many opportunities in the spring and summer months to fish as well.  You do not need a boat to join the fishing team. For students involved in other sports, the Fishing Team season generally doesn’t interfere with any other sports as it typically gets started in late spring and ends before the first practice of the fall sports season.  Summer baseball may be the one exception. The fishing team is open to grades 8-12.  Please plan on attending the informational meeting to learn more details about the fishing team.  Parents and current fishing team members are encouraged to attend as well.  Enter the school through the main front doors. Once again, the date is Tuesday, March 5th, 7:00-8:30 PM in the Teachers Lounge.

-Calling ALL Fine and Performing Arts Students!  All ages! Whether you intend to pursue your passion in college or not, DID YOU KNOW you could get a scholarship for it?  That’s right!  There are scholarships for behind the scenes tech students, drama students, all areas of fine arts including graphic design, fashion design and photography, and anything musical or voice related. Come to this event and learn more, including how to put together an audition or a portfolio of your best work. 

PLEASE TELL YOUR FRIENDS from other high schools. This event is free and open to all. It’s  Wednesday night, 6:30 pm in the Auditorium. Look for the posters around the building, outside of guidance and in the stairwell by the senior pole. To RSVP just point your phone at the QR code.

-Good morning, Pioneers, this is Lauren L. I am currently a volunteer working with a non-profit organization called Pass Down The Gown that provides free formal gown rentals. With prom just around the corner, we have decided to host a pop-up on March 5th and 6th (tomorrow and wednesday). The pop up will feature a rack of 15-20 beautiful dresses that you can rent for prom free of cost excluding a deposit that is fully refundable upon the return of the dress. The pop-up will take place in the commons before and after school as well as during all lunches. If you have any questions, feel free to reach out to me via email. Hope to see you there!

-Person 1: Hey pioneers! Are you interested in having your artwork displayed for people to see? Want the chance to win prizes for creativity?

Person 2: Well you’re in luck! Hill-Murray’s Spring Art Show is coming up in April, and everyone is invited to submit pieces to be displayed at the Monastery! 

Person 1: An outside Judge will come to place students, and there will be an announcement ceremony for those who enter!

Person 2: If you’re interested, be sure to submit work to Mr. Dahl or Ms. Kegley by April 8th through April 12th. The show itself will be held from April 15th to May 24th.

Person 1: Art club will be hosting WIN times where students can work on their pieces, but anyone is welcome to submit work for display.

Person 2: Stay creative and hope to see you there!

-Attention 6th Graders: You are attending a class prayer service in the chapel today during WIN A. You will see that you are pinged for the prayer service, and please go immediately to the Chapel for WIN A.

-Hi, I’m Liam G and I’m here to welcome you to Middle School Week! Our middle school student council has planned a great week for you including the party tonight, penny wars, and a pep fest on Friday. I hope you enjoy all the fun! I’m also here to tell you why I like going to Hill-Murray middle school. I enjoy going to recess almost every day and getting to run around and hang out with friends. We also get lots of fun electives to pick from that are highly enjoyable. I also like how many awesome people there are to hang out with and learn with. But most importantly I like how awesome our middle school teachers are and how they help set us up for success in high school while still being fun to be around. That is why I like to be a middle school Pioneer.

-Ayden: Hey Pioneers, It’s Ayden F

 Clare: And Clare D, from your middle school student council. 

Ayden: We’re here to remind you about the middle school party tonight.

Clare: It’s after school from 2:45 to 5 pm in the LMC and VR room.

Ayden: We’ll have pizza and drinks.

Clare: We’ll also have Wii, VR, and board games.

Both: Hope to see you there!