-Seniors – tomorrow is your senior retreat.  Here’s some important information:
Report to the Chapel for attendance at 7:55 AM.  It’s considered a regular school day, so attendance is taken and MSHSL rules are followed.
Out of uniform – neat, clean, and modest.  Suggest that you wear tennis shoes or some kind of shoe good for running around, there’s a fair amount of activity on retreat.
Pizza lunch and snacks will be provided – there will be Gluten free pizza available.
We will return to HM by 2:30 pm
Questions – see Ms. Fandrich, Dr. Skinner, or Mr. Deziel

-Attention all Seniors:
Mrs. Harrington spoke to most 12th-grade English classes last week about speaking at graduation.  Your teachers have posted the details on Google Classroom.  First drafts are due to Mrs. Harrington by May 6th via email.  Please let Mrs. Harrington know if you have any questions. 

-A huge congratulations to the Vivace Choir for earning a Superior Rating (the highest you can get) at the MSHSL Large Group Contest yesterday at Stillwater High School. They received the highest total score for an HM Large Group Ensemble in the last 10 years! Congratulations Pioneers! If YOU are interested in joining Vivace Choir next year but didn’t request it on your schedule, email Ms. Walth or talk to a current choir student to learn about joining Choir during your Pioneer Period for a half credit on your transcript.

-This is a reminder to all Italy trip participants that there is a mandatory meeting WIN A today in room 136.

-Attention Spanish Students!  You’ve learned so much this school year!!
We would love to have you come to Costa Rica and Panama next summer and put all those good Spanish skills to use in real life!
We will snorkel, zipline, kayak, and white-water raft!  
We will see volcanoes, waterfalls, thermal springs, and jungle wildlife!  
We will visit the Panama Canal, Old Town Panama City, a Biodiversity Museum, and several national parks!
It’s going to be an INCREDIBLE trip, and we still have a handful of spots available.  If you are interested in all the details, sign up for Ms Luna’s WIN A this Friday!