-Would you like to nominate new student leadership of the Art Club for 2024/2025?  We have openings for President, Vice President, Secretary, Creative Event Coordinator, Head “Hench Artist” and several “Art Expert” positions. Join Art Club on Thursday, April 25th, during WIN A to learn more about leadership positions for next year and how you can stay involved in the arts over the summer. Sign up with Mr. Dahl or Ms. Kegley to join.

-Attention Spanish Students!  You’ve learned so much this school year!!
We would love to have you come to Costa Rica and Panama next summer and put all those good Spanish skills to use in real life!
We will snorkel, zipline, kayak, and white-water raft!  
We will see volcanoes, waterfalls, thermal springs, and jungle wildlife!  
We will visit the Panama Canal, Old Town Panama City, a Biodiversity Museum, and several national parks!
It is going to be an INCREDIBLE trip, and we still have a handful of spots available. If you are interested in all the details, sign up for Ms. Luna’s WIN A this Friday!

-Holy Moly, 10 Minutes for your Souly is happening today during HS Break! 10:10 am -10:20 am. I’m Ellen Swanson, and I’m Adriana Woolsey, and we would love for you to come join in on our Prayerful reflection today! See you in the Chapel!

-Attention all Seniors: Mrs. Harrington spoke to most 12th-grade English classes last week about speaking at graduation. Your teachers have posted the details on Google Classroom. First drafts are due to Mrs. Harrington by May 6th via email. Please let Mrs. Harrington know if you have any questions.