-Would you like to nominate new student leadership of the Art Club for 2024/2025?  We have openings for President, Vice President, Secretary, Creative Event Coordinator, Head “Hench Artist” and several “Art Expert” positions. Join Art Club on Thursday, April 25th, during WIN A to learn more about leadership positions for next year and how you can stay involved in the arts over the summer. Sign up with Mr. Dahl or Ms. Kegley to join.

 -Hi Pioneers! There is still time to sign up for making cards and assembling May Day baskets for the Sisters. This service event will be held today during WIN B with the Environmental Health Club in the main office conference room. Thank you!

-Buongiorno. This is a shout-out for those who are going to Italy this Summer! Just a reminder that we have our first Mandatory Meeting happening in Ms. Marin’s Room 136 on Thursday (25th) during WIN B. We will be getting together to discuss important details and learn a little about each other and Italian culture. Please remember, that we need a colored photocopy of your passport, so if you have not already done so, that would be something to bring on Thursday! Ciao/Arrivederci.

 -Hey Pioneers, this is Junior Peer Minister Tashvi J, and this is your Ministry Minute. Some really cool service opportunities are coming up that can make a difference and impact our local community. Remember, all Service is due MAY 1st, but you could also get a jump start on next year too!
     1. We need help with our School’s Auction this coming Saturday. There are multiple spots for you to volunteer and help the school. Ms. Fandrich has posted the Sign-Up Genius on Google Classroom. https://www.signupgenius.com/go/10C0944A8AC2DA4FEC07-47821128-pioneer#/
     2. If you want to work on Service for next year, there is an opportunity to work with the Special Olympics on Saturday, May 4th for a Track and Field event. It only 2 hours–11:30-2:30! There is a sign-up on Google Classroom if you and some friends want to help out a great cause! https://cerv.is/0101rHillMurrayLinkCrew
     3. Finally, if you are interested in doing some consistent volunteer work this Summer, there are three opportunities at Tubman, a shelter right next to Hill-Murray. There is a social media content creator, meal service, and Youth Outreach position. It would be 1-2 hours a week. If you are interested, contact Ms. Fandrich about the Application!