June 4, 2024

-Hello Ms Fandrich here with your ministry minute. This is for our 8th graders who will be Freshmen next year!! and all High Schoolers—This is just a reminder, that all service you do this Summer counts for your service requirement for next year, so please track what you do, so you will be ready to go in the Fall. 
-Eighth graders,  I’ll be sending you an email with your Google service classroom code. Please join and in the classroom you will find the service tracker for next year. All other high school students should continue to look at their Google classroom for the updated service tracker. Remember you do not leave your Service Google classroom. 
-Please stop by the health office today (Tuesday) or Wednesday to pick up any medications, inhalers, epi pens, or other supplies that you may have kept in the health office for the school year. All leftover items will be discarded after school on Wednesday. Thanks Nurse Lisa

-Anyone interested in summer sports camps need to get signed up this week as most camps will get started right away, next week. 

If you are interested in Strength and Conditioning – be sure to get signed up this week.  There are two high school groups and one middle school group. High School groups are 7am-8:30am and 1pm-2:30pm. Middle School is 12pm-1pm. All groups will meet Monday, Tuesday and Thursday. The camp is designed to improve overall strength and athleticism and is open to all regardless of sport.  If you are not participating in sports but would like to get involved you are welcome to attend. You must be signed up to attend!!!  See you next week!!!

June 3, 2024

-Anyone interested in summer sports camps needs to get signed up this week as most camps will get started right away, next week. If you are interested in Strength and Conditioning – be sure to get signed up this week.  There are two high school groups and one middle school group. High School groups are 7am-8:30am and 1pm-2:30pm. Middle School is 12pm-1pm. All groups will meet Monday, Tuesday and Thursday.The camp is designed to improve overall strength and athleticism and is open to all regardless of sport.  If you are not participating in sports but would like to get involved you are welcome to attend. 

You must be signed up to attend!!!  See you next week!!!

You will be cleaning out your lockers in 2nd period today, even if this means you didn’t use your locker all year!! Each lock needs to be turned in to your teacher with the correct lock combination attached to it. If you do not remember your combination, your teacher can look it up for you. All garbage needs to be put in the garbage bin and a teacher must check that your locker is clean! 8th graders – you will be cleaning out your lockers during WIN A. 6th & 7th graders – you will clean out your lockers during WIN B on Tuesday.

May 31, 2024

-Heavenly Father, As we near the end of the school year, we thank you for the wonderful memories, friends, opportunities, and knowledge we’ve gained. We ask for your strength and endurance. Grant us patience and wisdom to persevere throughout these final days. Renew our spirits, Lord, and help us to finish strong. May we continue to inspire and support our classmates and teachers, reflecting your love and grace in all we do. In Jesus’ name we pray. 
-This announcement is for all middle schoolers regarding today’s Field Day. If you have not already done so, please check your WIN B right now. You have been pinged to a specific teacher and Field Day station. You will begin your Field Day fun at that station. Know this information prior to arriving at the Field House so we can get started right away. See Mrs. Deziel in the LMC today if you have any questions.
-Attention 9th Graders: Last week, the Guidance and Counseling Team came into Pioneer Periods and presented a required assignment for all 9th graders to complete – titled: “Letter to My Future Self.”  However,  for various reasons, many of you did not complete this assignment and will need to do by Tuesday, June 4.  The Guidance and Counseling Team sent you an email yesterday and provided you with the link to the presentation and details for what you need to do to complete your assignment. Remember, this assignment is required and needs to be completed and turned into the Guidance and Counseling Office by Tuesday, June 4.

May 30, 2024

-Sign up for Dr. Obernolte’s WIN B today to help start planning Spanish Club for next year! We’ll discuss what we want to do during Hispanic Heritage Month as well as our regular meetings.

-Middle Schoolers: You are out of uniform on Friday for Middle School Field Day. In addition to following the school policy of no short shorts or spaghetti straps, you must also wear tennis shoes for this day. You will be outside and active, so dress appropriately for both. 

May 29, 2024

-8th Graders: Your class trip to Valleyfair is on Thursday. You are out of uniform, and please dress appropriately to represent your school well. You will need to purchase lunch inside the park, and it’s important to know that Valleyfair does not accept cash for payment. If you have cash, you can use a kiosk to exchange your cash for a debit card. 
-Sign up for Dr. Obernolte’s WIN B on Thursday, May 30th to help plan Spanish Club next year. We’ll discuss what we want to do for Hispanic Heritage Month and our regular meetings.
-Middle Schoolers: You are out of uniform on Friday for Middle School Field Day. In addition to following the school policy of no short shorts or spaghetti straps, you must also wear tennis shoes for this day. You will be outside and active, so dress appropriately for both. 

-Fandrich: Holy Moly—it is our LAST 10 Minutes for your Souly today during HS Break! 10:10-10:20 in the Chapel. 

Deziel: Ms. Fandrich and I will be leading everyone in a prayerful reflection on Creation and reflecting upon our lives! 

Together: We would love for you all to come and join us!-This is just a reminder that 8th Graders are on retreat this Friday!There are a couple of important things to remember about the day!#1. You are out of uniform, but since we are going to Feed My Starving Children, you must wear Close-Toed Shoes. #2. You should bring money for lunch (we will be stopping at Fast Food restaurants) so if you choose not to buy your lunch, please bring a cold lunch.#3 Check in with your 1st Hour Teacher, and then head down to the Chapel.

May 23, 2024

-Ella: Hi I’m Ella

Veda: And I’m Veda

Ella: Thank you so much to everyone who donated this week for our Pioneer Pathway service project!

 Veda:  If you haven’t donated yet you still have today to donate socks, sunscreen, bars, fruit snacks, deodorant, tissues, and new or used books. 

Ella: The shelter, People Serve People, is so grateful for all your generosity!

Veda: Thanks Pioneers!

May 22, 2024

-I’m Eveny and I’m Audrey and we are doing Holy Moly 10 Minutes for your Souly today during HS Break! 10:10-10:20. Our prayerful reflection is on Angels and the Guardian Angels in our lives. We would love for you all to come join us in the Chapel!! See you there!

-The final French Club activity of the year is this Thursday during WIN A!  Sign up with Ms. Marin to play Bocce Ball outside!  All are welcome! 

-Ella: Hi im Ella, 

Veda: And I’m Veda. 

Ella: For our pioneer pathway service project,  we are partnering with people serve people to make gift bags for the homeless.

Veda: We want you to donate supplies to fill the gift bags. Such as socks, sunscreen, bars, fruit snacks, deodorant, and tissues. 

Ella: We will be accepting donations all next week (Monday-Thursday) outside the auditorium in the bin labeled donations!

Veda: Thanks, Pioneers!